VIANNEY HERMITAGE: Vianney Hermitage is built in a wooded setting on the property of our Motherhouse. It is set aside solely for the use of priests. Besides the living area, it has a full kitchen and bath. Priests may have access to the Motherhouse chapel or say private Mass in the hermitage. Privacy is guaranteed. For more information and/or to check out availability go to www.vianneyherm.org or e-mail: [email protected]
RADIO: Both Sr. Sarah and Sr. Ann have radio programs. You can listen to Sr. Ann's daily program, Food for the Journey here. You can find out more about Sr. Sarah's program Notes from Above here.
After years of producing Food for the Journey, Sr. Ann retires.
You can listen to her last program here.
SR. STACY has composed numerous beautiful pieces of music including a soon to be published Mass of the Incarnate Word. She publishes through International Liturgy Publications (ILP Music). You can view and listen to snippets of some of her compositions here.
Also published:Collection of 4 songs designed to teach the Books of the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments (Catholic listings), the Stages of Salvation (per Jeff Cavins), and the Beatitudes.