Mary, Mother of Flint, hear our prayer. As you watched over your son, Jesus, please now watch over those He has identified with Himself, the least of our brothers and sisters. Inspired by your motherly heart of compassion, may we respond to the needs, hurts, and concerns of Christ dwelling in the poor of our city. Amen.
oIn 2017, our community was invited by Fr. Tom Firestone, pastor of the Catholic Community of Flint, to establish a mission house in the city of Flint in order to be a "prayerful religious community presence" in the city. After a time of prayer and discernment, we decided that this was indeed God's call on us, and in the summer of 2018, three of our Sisters moved to Flint to start a mission house there. That same year, the bishop entrusted the city of Flint to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title, Mary, Mother of Flint.
According to Fr. Tom's wishes, our primary focus is on prayer and intercession for the city. However, Sr. Christina and Sr. Rachel work on the east side of Flint reaching out to those in so much need. Sr. Rachel is particularly focusing on youth on the eastside. Our home parish in Ann Arbor, Christ the King, decided to partner with the Catholic Community of Flint to pray for and to work alongside us (and many others in the city). You can read their issue of "The Open Door" below to find out more about what they are doing and how Sr. Christina and Sr. Rachel are serving. And, if you scroll further, you can watch a short video of the monthly Eucharistic procession and a video about the Flint Summer Mission, a summer outreach to the children on the east side of the city.
According to Fr. Tom's wishes, our primary focus is on prayer and intercession for the city. However, Sr. Christina and Sr. Rachel work on the east side of Flint reaching out to those in so much need. Sr. Rachel is particularly focusing on youth on the eastside. Our home parish in Ann Arbor, Christ the King, decided to partner with the Catholic Community of Flint to pray for and to work alongside us (and many others in the city). You can read their issue of "The Open Door" below to find out more about what they are doing and how Sr. Christina and Sr. Rachel are serving. And, if you scroll further, you can watch a short video of the monthly Eucharistic procession and a video about the Flint Summer Mission, a summer outreach to the children on the east side of the city.
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Eucharistic procession once a month into the neighborhoods on the eastside of Flint.
Flint Summer Mission
Sr. Rachel has started a Youth Group for kids who have "graduated" from summer camp. If you would like to support her in her work, consider purchasing something from their Amazon wish list. Thank you!